Our project includes multiple visual and audial experiences generated through Tidal, Hydra, and midi-communication done via a Flok server. As outlined in class, the heart of our project is improvisation and active listening to what is happening in the process.


     This is how we worked together: we met multiple times and IMPROVISED. For our first session, we started from scratch and just improvised, seeing where it took us. We found a jamming style that worked for our group, and it was splitting into groups of two in the beginning and then mixing it up towards the middle and end. This way, we could carefully listen and observe what was happening and adjust accordingly. Shreya and Dania were on Hydra, while Amina and Thaís were on Tidal. Each of us was creating simple shapes and beats, which were then used to build up to create a more complex composition. When midi was added and the audio-visual experience was past the beginning stage, each of us had the freedom to choose which part to modify, i.e. one could switch to Hydra, Tidal, or continue building up on the same part they were working on. We also helped each other with their codes or parts that were confusing and actively listened to each other to see what to add and when to trigger it to make a cohesive composition. Each subsequent time we met, we used our past code to experiment with and improvise on (assuming it to be another team’s code that we would be working with). Every time we practiced, we created a unique composition. 


     Below are a few pictures from our practice sessions:


     The complete set of our works can be found in this repository: https://github.com/ak7588/liveCoding       

     Our favorite jamming session was the following one, which we will also be presenting in class:


     P.S. – This was one of the highlights of our semester(<3<3)!!!!!!! Livecoding with others is such an amazing bonding experience: we went in as individuals and came out as a performance group.

And we also came to the conclusion that Tidal-Hydra >>>> Hydra-Tidal. The world came back to its senses. 😉


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