General Overview

This assignment was quite a challenge! Composition is tough, especially in code format as it felt less intuitive for me. The way I tried to tackle this task is by consuming as much music and visuals that inspire me and trying to duplicate and play around with the resulting outcomes. For music, I realized that I’m not a big fan of typical EDM-ish build-ups, and find myself gravitating towards more experimental ambient music, so two of the main songs that were inspiring me for this project were: ATM by Billy Lemos, and An Encounter by The 1975. As for visuals, I wanted to steer away from coding shapes from scratch, rather I wanted to experiment with either layering the same video or source image.


As mentioned above, I wanted to experiment with creating ambient and almost nostalgic sounds, but before all that I referred to music theory and the piano, and picked a scale that I thought would compliment the feel I’m going for, which is the C minor scale. I went through a lot of different samples and approaches to building the composition, and almost nothing felt like it made sense or like it’s cohesive. The final structure I went with is pretty experimental, a piece in two parts with the sound of children playing in the background. It’s meant to be both ominous and nostalgic both feelings that I attempted to achieve mostly by using room, sz, and orbit.


Before starting, I knew I wanted to experiment with red-blue layered visuals with an anaglyph 3D effect. I played around with gifs and different figures, and then felt like a picture of an eye could be both visually appealing and match the vibe of the music. Throughout the whole piece, the eye is consistent as the source.


The biggest difficulties I faced are with compositional structure and audiovisual interaction. For compositional structure, as I mentioned, I struggled with finding an alternative to the build-up structure, as I felt like it did not resonate with the feel that I was trying to achieve. As for audiovisual interaction, I think I just need to practice it and experiment with it more until it becomes more precise and understandable for me.

---- start
d14 $ s "children" #gain 0.5

d13 $ qtrigger 13 $ seqPLoop[
  (0, 4,  note "[[ef5'maj] [g5'min] [bf5'maj] ~ ~]" # sound "superfork" # room 0.1 # gain 0.7 # legato 1.5),
  (4, 8, note "[[ef5'maj] [g5'min] [c6'min] ~ ~]" # sound "superfork" # room 0.1 # gain 0.7 # legato 1.5)

d7 $ ccv "0 50 64 0 0" # ccn "0" # s "midi"

d7 silence

d1 $ s "coins" # gain 0.8

d5 $ slow 2 $ sound "superfork" >| note "[c2'min]? [bf3'min]?"  # room 0.1 # gain 0.9 -- bg chord

-- introducing more rhythm + ambient element

d3 $ qtrigger 3 $ seqPLoop[
  (0, 12, fast 2 $  sound "808bd(1,4)"  # gain 1.2),
  (4, 12,slow 2 $ sound " ~ [future:4(3,5)]  ~ ~"  # gain 1.5 # room 0.4)

  d11 $ ccv (segment 128 (range 127 0 saw)) # ccn "1" # s "midi"
  d9  $ struct "<~ t(3,5) t>" $ ccv ((segment 128 (range 127 0 saw))) # ccn "2" # s "midi"

d4 $ fast 2 $ s "ade:3"  |> note "<f5_>" # cut 1  # vowel "o"  # gain "<1? 0.9 0.2 0.7>"   #room 0.4

-- chaos & tension here w/ distort & adding beats

bassDrum = d14 $ fast 2 $ sound "808bd" # gain 1.2

d3 $ slow 2 $ sound "[future:4*3] ~ ~ ~"  # gain 1.5 # room 0.4 # distort 0.2
d5  $ struct "<t(3,5) t>" $ ccv ((segment 128 (range 127 0 saw))) # ccn "3" # s "midi"

d4 $ fast 2 $ s "ade:3*6"  |> note "<f5_>" # cut 1  # vowel "o"  # gain "<1? 0.9 0.2 0.7>"   #room 0.4

--- hush, instead of a drop for ominous vibe

------ second bit, normal then degrade
d4 $ degradeBy 0.8 $ slow 2 $ s "armora:5" # room 0.4 # sz 0.6 # orbit 1 # gain 0.8
d1 $ s "<coins(1,4)>" # gain 0.95

d5  $  ccv " 127 0 0 0 0" # ccn "3" # s "midi"

d4 silence

d10 $ qtrigger 10 $ seqP[
  (0, 8, s "ade:3" |> note "c2"  # cut 1  # vowel "a"  # orbit 1 # room 0.7 ),
  (8, 14, s "ade:3" |> note "c3"  # cut 1  # vowel "a"  # orbit 1 # room 0.7),
  (14, 20, s  "ade:3" |> note "c4"  # cut 1  # vowel "a"  # orbit 1 # room 0.7)

d1 silence

src(s2).scale(() => cc[0]*0.5,4,8).pixelate(600,600).scrollX(0.3,0.01).out(o0) // start, one eye layer

//() => cc[0]*0.5

src(s2).scale(0.02,4,8).color(1,0,0).scrollX(0.01,0.1).layer(src(s2).scale( () => cc[0]*0.1,4,8).pixelate(600,600).scrollX(0.2,0.1)).out(o0)


src(s2).scale( () => cc[0]*0.1,4,8).pixelate(600,600).scrollX(0.7,0.1).layer(src(s2).scale(()=>cc[1]/6,4,8).color(1,0,0).scrollX(0.,0.1)).rotate(() => cc[2]).out(o0)  // () => cc[2] //rotation n scaling for red

src(s2).scale( () => cc[0]*0.01,4,8).pixelate(600,600).scrollX(0.7,0.1).layer(src(s2).scale(()=>cc[2]/10,4,8).color(1,0,0).modulate(noise(()=> cc[1]*6)).scrollX(0.,0.1)).out(o0) //modulate noise

src(s2).scale( () => cc[0]*0.01,4,8).pixelate(600,600).scrollX(0.7,0.1).layer(src(s2).scale(()=>cc[2]/10,4,8).color(1,0,0).modulate(noise(()=> cc[1]*2)).pixelate(()=>cc[3]*2).scrollX(0.,0.1)).out(o0) //pixelate

osc(6).color(1,0,0).modulate(src(s2).scale(0.1,4,8),1).blend(osc(6).color(0,0,2).modulate(src(s2).scale(0.1,4,8).scrollX(0.7),1).modulate(noise(()=>cc[3]+0.3))).out(o0) // part 2

osc(6).color(1,0,0).modulate(src(s2).scale(0.1,4,8),1).blend(osc(6).color(0,0,2).modulate(src(s2).scale(0.1,4,8).scrollX(0.7),1).brightness(()=> +0.8).modulate(noise(()=>cc[3]))).out(o0) //brightness

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