
As someone who is very indecisive, it’s often difficult to find a starting point, especially when there are no limitations or specific guidelines but I had to start somewhere. I looked over my previous assignments, pasted in some code for hydra, and started experimenting. I started with the visuals first as I wanted to get an idea of how fast or slow I would like to have my audio.


For the visuals in this project, I decided to take a more sleek and simple approach relative to my previous assignments. I noticed that in all of my previous assignments I would create visuals that take up the whole screen and have colors all over the place, so I decided to make something different and focus on the use of shapes. I chose to incorporate my personality into the theme by choosing a color palette consisting of my favorite colors; pink and blue, with some transitional colors and shades. I made at least 10 different mini-performances with the visuals, left them, and started working on the audio.


In regards to the audio, I also wanted to step out of my comfort zone and find and work with my own samples rather than the ones offered by tidal. The longer audios were a bit more difficult to incorporate as I had to figure out how many loops to set them as and add effects to make them sound like the original sample file. I got Aaron’s help for one of them and applied the same logic to the rest. As usual, for me, the audios were more difficult to put together, as I feel that I don’t have a musical ear and so it takes me some time to find different sounds that go together and asked a few of my friends if they sound good. Similar to the visuals, I put together maybe 7 mini-performances until I was satisfied with the results I had. I experimented with different scales of structure, however, I ended up choosing performances that included longer audio files so I didn’t feel that the scales went along with them.


Next, I had to put the visuals and audio together so I went through them all, and deleted the performances that I either didn’t like or felt that they don’t go with the rest. Testing by mixing and matching different visuals with different audios, I reached 2 of each that I really liked and decided to incorporate them with one another. I separated the performance into 2 phases, fading in and out of the first one, merging into the second one, and lastly fading out with the second one. I connected the visuals and audio through Midi, also testing out several output patterns, and organized everything in a thought-out order of events to put together the composition.

Reflection and Outcome

Out of all of the assignments that we have done since the beginning of the semester, I would say I enjoyed the composition project the most. It gave me the opportunity to explore and experiment but with the goal of having a well-put-together composition that takes into account the sounds as well as the visuals. Ironically, screen recording was a challenge that I had as every time I record something goes wrong; the laptop lags, the audio doesn’t play, I mess up, the audio doesn’t record, …etc. I had to record over 20 times until I finally had a proper recording as could be seen below:

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