Here’s my progress so far with my composition piece! I’m pretty satisfied with my visual progression, but I’m thinking of adding many more layers for my audio because I didn’t quite have enough time to experiment and develop my audio enough by last Thursday’s class.
I also had a question regarding syncing the tidal/hydra together — is there a way for me to match/sync the audio to the visuals without me setting a certain rhythm in front of ccv/ccn? What I’m doing in my code is d2 $ struct “t(3,8)” $ ccv ((segment 128 (range 127 0 saw))) # ccn “0” # s “midi” because I found that it was the easiest for me to do this, but I realized that it might not be necessary for me to give such a complicated/long code for the ccv/ccn code line.
Thank you, professor! And happy belated birthday. 🙂
Nice work so far Clara. I think you’re doing too much visually, do less not more! Try to match the visuals with the part of the music that stands out th emost. Sometimes you do that and sometimes the connection gets a little muddy, perceptually. You don’t have to use that style for the ccv, you can also just send direct number like ccv “127 50 127 0” etc. If you want to do a euclidean rhythm though it works best with the coding pattern you’re using. With the music, it’s nice how it builds up, but see if you can try to find two different distinct sections, and then you can play with the transitions.