
For the composition project, I’m focusing on the capybara who is cute and stupid. Their charm has also been captured in a capybara song that I adore.



  1. To start I try a couple of individual sound to be the hook. The first sound is the sound of a capybara moving quickly. Then a lighter note. Then a trumpet sound is introduced. Then the first part begins.
  2. I used a lot of drums in the first part to make the music more energetic.
  3. The main rhythm for part 1 is: d1 $ slow 2 $ s “808ht:12 808ht:23 808ht:32 <808ht:43 808ht:5*2>” # room 0.7 # gain 808ht was chosen because it sounds make me think it can represent capybara
  4. I use stacking, starting with one rhythm and stacking more rhythms.
  5. For transition i used qtrigger and seqP
  6. After transition i used drums with a stronger beat, and i added runs so that each beat can follow with a slight beat.
  7. if I had more time I would have added more midi, and would have added more code to make different parts switch visual automatically.


  1. I use initVideo to initate the capybara video. And grid it using scale. The midi sent “2 3 4 5” for the number of row and column.
  2. I use initImage to initate the capybara image . And reverse it. The problem I encountered is the midi can only send value larger than 0, but if make the image reversed I need (1, -1). So for the reversing, the midi notes sent is “2 0”. The hydra code is scale(1, ()=> 1-ccActual[1]).

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