live coding makes software strange

This particular quote from the reading was especially captivating as it illuminates upon the expansive possibilities of coding that goes beyond the rigid, structured nature many associate with programming. It reframes coding as a more fluid, flexible and expressive act akin to playing a musical instrument. It highlights programming as not just a (behind the scene) tool for solving problems but as a more dynamic, performative practice that blurs the line between technical precision and artistic expression.

In this sense, live coding is impactful as it challenges our ‘traditional’, one-dimensional understanding of programming. It deconstructs widely perpetuated understandings of coding to be a linear act of instructing machines to perform and produce specific, predetermined outcomes and instead propels a multidimensional perspective on what programming can be. This is why I think Live Coding as a class perfectly embodies the essence of Interactive Media as a major; it showcases its interdisciplinary nature as a blend of the sciences and arts.

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