Video and Inspiration

My Inspiration, my process, my parts, all came in waves…

First, I saw one of the previous live coding projects on the IM show case recordings on the screens on the side in class, this one was bubbles moving around, I thought they looked cool, and I started trying to recreate them. I am not sure what happened along the way but the ideas changed, my starting point takes a little from the bubbles I think, not sure how much, but there’s something there. Ins

I added a shape(4), repeated it and edit the scale and number of repeats until i got squares all over my screen, then

shape(4, 0.9)

For the Audio, I used a “superpiano” with a hi hat, the piano triggered the colorama transitions and the hi hat triggered change in size as seen here

base = do
  d1 $ slow 1 $ n (scale "egyptian" "7 4 1 6 3 0 7 4") # sound "superpiano" # sustain 5  # room 0.4
  d2 $ slow 1 $ ccv "89 50 13 76 38 1 89 50" # ccn "0" # s "midi"
base2 = do
  d3 $ slow 2 $ s "hh*4" # speed 2 # gain 2
  d4 $ slow 2 $ ccv "15 30 60 90" # ccn "1" # s "midi"

Then I added this layer for an extra effect:

tabla = do
  d5 $ s "tabla:14 ~ ~ ~" # room "<0.4 0.2>" # gain 2
  d6 $ slow 1 $ ccv "<1 6> ~ ~ ~" # ccn "2" # s "midi"
  .modulate(voronoi(()=>(cc[2]*127),0.3,0.3), 10)

First one is the voronoi shown without mult and the second one is using mult to combine the 2 together, The voronoi was aslo affected with the tabla sound, to

Then, I was talking to classmates, trying to explore sounds, make my sounds better (I struggle here its a little scary), but one of the sounds shared, the second I heard it, my brain went GLITCH, so here came my closing part.

When I did the glitch I could not help but think of retro vibes. An old TV glitching to be exact. So, I decided to get Images from different Egyptian retro and add them with a sound of their own. the images would pop and disappear with the sound as shown below; with a TV pixelate when the images popped.

The code I used for the sound with the images.

tabla_trigger = do {
  d7 $ qtrigger $ filterWhen (>=0) $ slow 2 $ seqP [
    (0, 1, s "tabla:14*2"), -- 1 -- tv
    (1, 2, s "tabla:14*4"), -- 1 -- tv
    (2, 3, s "tabla:14*8"), -- 2 3
    (3, 4, s "tabla:14*16"), --3 4
    (4, 5, s "tabla:14*8"), -- 5 6 7
    (5, 6, s "tabla:14*4"), -- 8 9 10
    (6, 7, s "tabla:14*2"), --11 12 1
    (7, 8, s "tabla:14"),
    (8, 9, s "tabla:8")
 ] # room 0.95 # gain 2 #  up "-2"
tabla_imgs = do{
  d8 $ qtrigger $ filterWhen (>=0) $ slow 2 $ seqP [
    (0, 1, ccv "1 0"),
    (1, 2, ccv "1 0 1 0"),
    (2, 3, ccv "2 0 2 0 3 0 3 0"),
    (3, 4, ccv "4 0 4 0 5 0 5 0 6 0 6 0 7 0 7 0"),
    (4, 5, ccv "8 0 8 0 9 0 9 0"),
    (5, 6, ccv "10 0 10 0"), --8 9 10
    (6, 7, ccv "11 0"), --11 12 1
    (7, 8,  ccv "12"),
    (8, 9, ccv "13")
  ] # ccn "4" # s "midi"

  d5 silence
  d6 silence

an example of one of the images popping:

    .color(0.8, 0.8, 1)

Finally, as I finish the popping images comes the glitch part. As I end the images, i change the colorama input to 1 as shown on the right, on the left is an example of the glitches used in this part.

I increased the glitching for this part as the sound progressed, here is an example of the glitch code:


and the sound I used for the glitch:

glitch = do {  d7 $ qtrigger $ filterWhen (>=0) $ slow 2 $ seqP [    (0, 1, s "feel:6"),    (1, 2, s "feel:6*2"),    (2, 4, s "feel:6*4"),    (4, 6, s "feel:6*8"),    (6, 7, s "feel:4")  ] # room 0.95 # speed "4" # gain 1.3 # squiz 1.1 # up "-2"}

For the glitch I wanted the sound and everything to disappear with its end, like a glitch ending, then I faded out the image above on the right, using a slower pace of the sounds I had at first to end the old TV and just close everything.

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