My demo can be viewed here. is a web-based WebAudio/MIDI sequencer, integrating a variety of synthesis techniques ranging from additive to wavetable, offering a versatile toolkit for sonic innovation. With Hydra integration, it facilitates oscilloscopes, frequency visualizers, and image sequencing capabilities. Crafted using TypeScript, enhancing JavaScript with static typing, and Vite, a fast development server with an optimized build process, Topos is loosely inspired by the Monome Teletype.

Developed by BuboBubo (Raphaël Forment) and Amiika (Miika Alonen), deeply involved in the TOPLAP and Algorave communities, represents a fusion of expertise and passion. The duo previously collaborated on the Sardine Live Coding Library for Python (see performance). Their journey with started in August 2023.

Raphaël’s scholarly contributions include papers such as How Live is Live Coding? The case of Tidal’s Longest Night and Sardine: a Modular Python Live Coding Environment, adding academic depth to his practical endeavors.

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